Understanding the Anatomy of the Soul and what is Spiritual Technology Therapy By Ray Ortiz

0407880001713893175.jpgThe concept of the soul's anatomy is new to many because, until now, most of us have never heard the term or even considered it.  This concept was made aware to me in a meditation mental state and I started getting a download of information that I will be sharing in this Blog. I hope you will find it as exciting and insightful as I have. 

The Anatomy of the Soul consists of energy and frequency created and manifested during the soul's human life experiences to the ascension journey. 

Without entering into any dogmatic set of beliefs, let's keep an open mind to the possibility that the soul engages in several energetic and frequent experiences that help develop oneself and fulfill one's purpose while experiencing the essence of the human experience. To help wrap our heads around this concept and its meaning, try tapping into your imagination without any sense of judgment. Let us embark on this journey together and permit ourselves to contemplate the possibilities.  Think of the soul as an energy body that resides in all of us and travels to the many destinations our human experiences take us. On each journey we take, we are exposed to many circumstances. These experiences, as they manifest, create a frequency or energy signature like a fingerprint in a clean glass. Every experience signature gets stored in the corresponding Chakra system of our body, Biofield. I understand that you are presented with terms like Chakras and Biofield that you perhaps have never heard before. What is the Chakra system? 

0769268001713893604.jpgThe Chakras are Energy meridians located along the spine and nervous system. They are like energetic filters that process life energy flow manifested by circumstances and triggered by the emotions we experience. This concept originated in India about 1,0000 years ago and is part of the spiritual Hindu belief system. It is adopted today in many Holistic practices as a blueprint to treat and understand the well-being of our emotions and, in many cases, physical manifestation in our body. 

 There are 7 main Chakras that help to process the energy and frequency of our emotional experiences from an energetic point of view.   

The 7 main Chakras are

> The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine in the tailbone area. The root Chakra governs the energy and frequency related to our sense of stability and feeling grounded. A sign  of unbalance in this Chakra can be manifested from an emotional and physical point of view as experiencing  insecurity about           

Finances or basic needs. 

>The Solar Plexus Chakra is near the upper abdomen's navel or belly button area. The Solar Plexus Chakra governs the energy and frequency related to our sense of confidence and self-worth. Then, this Chakra is not balanced; we experience signs of eating disorders, digestive issues, and lack of personal power.  

>The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and above the heart area. It governs the energy and frequency of compassion and self-love. Signs of an unbalanced Heart Chakra are heart problems and weight issues; people with an unbalanced heart Chakra tend to put others first at the expense of their own needs. This chakra responds to our ability to love and connect with others. Often, we experience loneliness and isolation.

>The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat. It governs the energy and frequency of communication and the expression of our voice. Some signs of an unbalanced Throat Chakra are the ability to communicate our thoughts verbally and the need to dominate conversations or engage in gossiping. In many cases, you can also experience the fear of speaking your truth.

>The Third eye Chakra is located between the eyes on the forehead. It governs the energy and frequency of our imagination and intuition. Some signs of an unbalanced third eye Chakra are a lack of trust in their inner voice and intuition. Lack of big-picture vision, 

>The Crown Chakra is located at the very top of the head. The Crown Chakra governs the energy and frequency of Awareness, intelligence, and Spiritual enlightenment. When the Crown Chakra is balanced, it helps the other Chakras align, creating an experience of bliss. However, when this chakra is not balanced, we often experience stubbornness, a narrow-minded view, and an attitude of skepticism.   I hope I have been able to offer a good understanding of what it means when I refer to the concept of the Chakra System.  Before we continue this journey, I want to do the same with the idea of Biofield, which is the other terminology I mention in this blog. 

What is the Biofield? Science recently discovered that an energy field, the Biofield, surrounds our body. This field creates vital informative functions for all energy-related forms of life. This concept has become an emerging science field in pursuit of understanding how this field works and regulates the living energetic system.  Different cultures reference this source as CHI, QI, KI, and PRANA. As a Reiki practitioner working with different energy therapy modalities, I have come to learn and understand how our biofield is impacted in the daily journey of our lives.  

Taking the scientific premises of energy per Albert Einstein, using quantum principles of physics, states that everything is energy, that mass and energy are interchangeable, and that mass is a manifestation of energy, and energy creates frequencies. So, using this foundation, it is fair to consider that all experiences are mass and create an energy field, including our emotions and thoughts. Because energy is a form of frequency, these manifestations are interchangeable in our physical body surrounded by our Biofield. It also impacts the soul energy within by creating a frequency imprint of the energy that can be stored at the spiritual and esoteric levels.

Because all experiences are triggered energetically, they will produce frequency particles that                      

 will get stored in our energy field system, manifesting in our emotions and physical health, creating some unbalance in our energy field if unresolved.   Since our soul's energy resides in our body within its energy field, energy can be interchangeable. It is fair to say that the frequency of these experiences will impact the soul, creating an energy fingerprint within the soul field. How can we determine what frequencies or energy experiences the soul has been affected by? I have come to understand this process like this: the soul, in pursuit of balance and its continuation of evolving to the fulfillment of ascension, will continue to repeat and experience the same or similar circumstances to ultimately experience resolution and balance in the form of awareness experience at the physical or conscious level while participating in the human experience. Once a state of balance is achieved, the frequency of the soul journey will change and continue to fulfill its purpose.  For more information or interested in experiencing a session of Spiritual technology therapy, contact me here on my website: www.theeureka effect.info 

wishing you an incredible soul journey,

Ray Ortiz

Reiki Master

Energy Practitioner                



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