Services Provided

Holistic Life Coaching and mindfulness Therapies onsite or Virtual in Atlanta, Georgia.  Disclaimer: All sessions and services are strictly confidential unless a life or death scenario is disclosed, and in such circumstances always call 911 or visit your nearest emergency health care facility. No guarantee is made towards validity of all information and Services here. Use this information and services found here at your own risk. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service in your wellness journey. We make no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness, and all services and information found here is not substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment, and to be considered as replacement  for consultation with a health care provider. all services here are not intended to create a physician- patient relationship. All modalities offer in this site are intended to provide harmony and a sense of balance, while supporting the natural property of each individual within the ability to releasing stress.             

Raymond Ortiz In Atlanta, GA "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." ALBERT EINSTEIN
at THE Eureka® I offer  intuitive Holistic Life Coaching Therapy services for individuals seeking to attain Emotional, Physical and Spiritual balance disrupted due to life changing circumstances as.
  • Divorce
  • Relationship conflicts or Separation.
  • An experience of lost.
  • Stress, and Lack of Purpose or Focus.
  • Childhood traumas.
  • Self-defeated patterns.
  • Stroke recovery
  • Lack of Self-Esteem.
Just to mention a few. as a Holistic certified Life Coach and Reiki master Practitioner I can relate to these circumstances because at a point in my life journey I have walk the path and experience the challenges along the way. I  will enable you to discover ways to become empower and in charge of your life decisions. while experiencing a sense of balance, relief and wellbeing. What to expect in a holistic Life Coaching session? The primary objective is to get you to a place where you can express concerns freely, safely without any judgment. As an Intuitive Holistic Life Coach, my  goal is not to  become or replace your psychotherapist . my main focus is to formulate a reasonable process of holistic sessions  that will serve you as a blueprint, once together have pinpoint relevance  goals and objectives for you. These will be accomplish by the combination of coaching sessions that will be complement with the modalities subjected and agreed upon. Ultimately, the work is done when you commit to starting the transformation to a better quality of life. with these sessions of  none invasive modalities recommendations will be provided to assist with attaining balance and relief from current circumstances.
Starting Rates are: $150.00 for a 1 hour session depending on the holistic session type. If you are interested in having multiple sessions, please ask for our package sessions.

Disclaimer: The Eureka Effect Services, or any other type of Energy modality  practiced or / and Life Coaching by the providers on this site, whether in person, group,  or by remote video  proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information and or modalities offered are not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you on this site or by the practitioner in any session obtained on this site is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation and or treatment with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your mental or emotional health, please contact your primary healthcare provider always. If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency call always 911 or visit your nearest Emergency Facility.

Raymond Ortiz In Atlanta, GA
The Eureka Effect Publishing House® offers books, Cd’s and videos as tools to enhance the progress of everyone seeking to achieve the desired quality of life and balance, they are aiming for. Each one of these publications is reviewed by Ray Ortiz and created or endorse by him.

Raymond Ortiz In Atlanta, GA  Hippocrates stated that  " The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting  well"

The Eureka Reiki Effect® is a service provided by Ray Ortiz. As a certified Master Reiki practitioner, he offers you the opportunity to move beyond life circumstances and attain resolutions via the modalities of Reiki, Sound bath and frequency tuning forks therapy to help the body mind and spirit to achieve a level of balance that promotes healing, relaxation and ultimately a sense of well-being.
All life circumstances do create a blueprint of energy blockages in our Biofield that does not allow our body, mind, and soul to feel free and at ease with our environment.

Reiki as a modality that works with your energy field and sound frequency therapy as an application that helps to balance your senses and Biofield of your being to achieve a state of well-being is a useful recommended tool to assist you. 

To learn more about Reiki watch the below video tittle What is Reiki.
Mr. Ortiz's Reiki rates are $150 for a 1 hour session. including  tuning fork  therapy as needed.

Ray Ortiz offers a combination of Life Coaching and Reiki application for a rate of $150.00 per hour session.


He also offers for an additional $50.00 consulting fee an Essential oils therapy to enhance your well-being experience's to learn more tap on Essential oils Therapy session. The consulting fee is credit towards oils purchases. The Eureka oils Therapy Effect® is an  organic Therapy approach to supplement  and enhance the body own healing mechanisms and not intended to substitute any  clinical treatment. We advise to always consult and follow your primary health care provider before starting any new regiment.


Nikola Tesla Said "If we want to find the secrets of the inverse, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration" 

The Eureka sound Bath Effect®  is a unique Therapy session that focus on the Biofield of the body  by utilizing sound frequency deliver with sound tools as Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls in addition to tuning  forks and other instruments.  During this session we  promote a state of relaxation and instant meditation experience which  helps the body to  ignite an auto tuning process that does promote well-being and the opportunity to release blockages created by emotional stress or un resolve traumas.   We offer one on one and group sessions for this modality.  One on one  sessions  are  $75.00 for 30 to 45 minutes. Group rates are base on the size of the group session.  Corporate team building session available per request. 

The Eureka Nature sound bath Effect logo

     The Eureka Nature Sound Bath Therapy is a Unique Experience for anyone who is seeking a detoxification from the noise and the distractions that comes with some of our conventional lives.  The stress and demands of current events and the surroundings and componence's in which they take place can be very toxic to our wellbeing. This Therapy modality takes place in an un conventional setting that harness the healing Frequency of Mother Nature.  The experience is  in an out door location  chosen and agree upon between you and the Practitioner. The intention of this  session is to assist your body mind and soul to regain a sense of balance and harmony by releasing from your Biofield  any toxic frequency generated by circumstances or environment in which has been created.  by tapping into the  energy and frequency of Mother nature. For information or to book a session use our Book now link and please fill the Therapy Assessment form found under the Forms link to make sure we know this modality will served you best. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service in your journey to your wellbeing.  This is an hour session weather permitted. Cost  $150.00 

Book your Therapy Today





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